最後更新: [2023/12/15]
歡迎來到 NanoVa Health 線上商店: https://nanovahealth.com (the “Site”). These Terms & Conditions outline the rules and regulations for the use of NanoVa Health’s website.
By accessing this website, we assume you accept these Terms & Conditions. Do not continue to use NanoVa Health’s website if you do not agree to all of the Terms & Conditions stated on this page.
- 本網站上的所有內容,包括但不限於文字、圖形、標誌、圖像和軟體,均為 NanoVa Health 的財產,並受版權和其他智慧財產權法的保護。
- 您被授予有限的、非排他的、可撤銷的許可來存取和個人使用本網站。未經 NanoVa Health 明確書面同意,您不得下載或修改其任何部分。
- 要在此網站上進行購買,您可能需要建立帳戶。您有責任維護您的帳戶資訊(包括您的密碼)的機密性。
- 所有透過我們網站下的訂單均須接受。我們保留以任何理由拒絕或取消訂單的權利,包括但不限於產品可用性、產品描述或價格錯誤或付款問題。
- 我們的產品價格如有變更,恕不另行通知。我們保留隨時修改或停止產品的權利。付款已安全處理,我們不會儲存您的付款資訊。
- 我們的目標是及時處理和出貨訂單。但是,我們對超出我們控制範圍的延誤或運輸過程中可能發生的任何損壞不承擔任何責任。
- Please refer to our “Returns & Refunds” policy for information on returning products and obtaining refunds.
- NanoVa Health 對您使用或無法使用本網站或向我們購買的任何產品而造成的任何直接、間接、附帶、後果性或懲罰性損害不承擔任何責任。
- These Terms & Conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Your Jurisdiction], and any disputes will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of [Your Jurisdiction].
Changes to Terms & Conditions:
- NanoVa Health reserves the right to revise these Terms & Conditions at any time. By using this website, you are agreeing to be bound by the current version of these Terms & Conditions.
If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms & Conditions, please contact us at info@nanovahealth.com.
Thank you for shopping with NanoVa Health!